Punctuality and Attendance at Work

Part of a functional and successful workplace is ensuring that everyone fulfils the responsibilities of their role. Being on time and coming to work consistently is important regardless of your position. Understanding the basics of punctuality and attendance can help you develop respectful, professional habits for the workplace to build a productive work environment.


What is punctuality?

In a professional environment, being punctual involves planning ahead and making arrangements to ensure that you can fulfil your obligations on a strict schedule. This includes coordinating your commute to arrive at work and start your day at the designated time, creating a schedule to attend meetings and planning your work to finish your duties when your manager or clients need them to be complete.


What is attendance?

Attendance refers to the frequency and consistency with which you show up for work. Workplace attendance involves coming to work on time and staying at work for the entire duration of your workday. Another important aspect of attendance is communicating with your manager and colleagues about any time off so your team can record changes and rearrange responsibilities appropriately.


What is the importance of punctuality and attendance?

Punctuality and attendance are important in the workplace because they uphold productivity. People at work rely on one another to be punctual so they can work together on projects, obtain feedback, and submit work to clients according to their expectations. Here are some of the main reasons being punctual and attending to work reliably are important:

  • You can build a culture of trust. When everyone on a team consistently has good punctuality and attendance, they can trust one another to help with tasks and submit their portion of a project on schedule.
  • Punctual behaviour improves efficiency. By arriving on time to meetings and work commitments, everyone can start their duties right away instead of having to wait to begin.
  • Companies can develop better reputations. Being punctual and showing up to work allows you to get more work done and communicate consistently with clients, improving your relationships with customers and developing a reputation for quality, dependable work.


How does attendance affect the workplace?

When employees are present and arrive to work on time, it helps keep everything operating smoothly. Here are some potential effects of poor attendance:

  • Other employees must pick up the slack, which can decrease employee morale.
  • Morale can also drop, and teamwork can suffer if employees with good attendance start resenting those who are frequently absent.
  • Lower productivity can slow projects down, resulting in missed deadlines.
  • Work processes and customer interactions are inconsistent when different people handle them. This can increase mistakes and hurt the customer experience.

Our Company’s current attendance policy that is in place is fair for all staff and clearly outlines the definitions and procedures for tracking and documenting attendance.


Unacceptable behaviour without any justifiable reasons:

  • Showing up late.
  • Leaving early.
  • Last-minute absences.
  • No call, no show.
  • Requesting to work from home.
  • Excessive breaks.
  • Repeated illnesses.

Attendance and Timekeeping are the foundation of success. When you show up for work on time every day with a happy, positive attitude, you help raise morale and increase productivity. We ALL have a part in creating a culture. Arriving to work early or on time can highlight your trustworthiness and reliability as an employee. Consistently being punctual can also help show that you meet standards of professionalism, which can increase your value as an employee and help you advance your career.


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