Step 1: After logging into CRM, Create new CRM opportunity
Click the plus button far right corner of the page
Step 2: Creating opportunity
Fill in the fields: under company field ensure the correct BP, while filling fields ensure you use % to search. Ensure in the description field the BP name, end User and product is filled in. Once filled click press save button.
After saving the opportunity ensure that the territory is correct according to customer location, so the opportunity appears on the Sales Specialist Dashboard
Step 3: Creating quote
When creating a quote click onto the Quotes Button
Click on the new button to create new quote. With IBM brand there are two types of quotes to be created for this brand depending on what the customer requested. You do a Value Seller quote (indicative pricing) or special bid
How to create a value seller quote:
When creating a value seller quote please ensure you fill in the following fields as seen below:
- Brand: select whether the VS is for power or storage
- Description: name the quote as the following: BP_EU_Product_VS (Value Seller)
- Details: fill in the detail of the product being requested
- EU Country: fill in the country of EU
- End User: fill in EU, if you need to search for EU ensure % is placed before the EU name
- Deal Registration Expiration which can be found on e-Pricer tool on the value seller itself
- Vendor Quote end date which is found on value Seller
- Vendor Quote Expiry date is the same as Vendor quote end date for Value Seller
- Deal Registration enter the relevant DR for OPP
- ROE:1
- List Price: Always fill in List Price on Value Seller
Once complete click next, once next has been clicked, click documents to upload value seller addendum that you will download from e-Pricer tool
Once Addendum has been uploaded Select under type IBM Value Seller Quote Config Upload
And status select pending and save and return to quote
Once Back in quote, click the Import Quote Config button, this will import quote.
Once Import is upload click Calculate quote totals. Once quote has been Calculated check that the quote corresponds to e-Pricer totals and accept quote then move to identified status
Once quote has been identified, click Print Quote. Click onto the quote and view attachment and download attachment and save to folder to be shared with reseller.
How to create a special bid quote:
When creating a special bid quote please ensure you fill in the following fields as seen below:
- Brand: select whether the SBO is for power or storage
- Type: will always be on project unless it’s a tender special bid
- Description: name the quote as the following: BP_EU_Product_SBO (Special Bid)
- Details: fill in the detail of the product being requested
- EU Country: fill in the EU country which is usually South Africa unless it’s a bid for the countries authorized to supply IBM to.
- End User: fill in EU, if you need to search for EU ensure % is placed before the EU name
- Deal Registration Expiration which can be found on e-Pricer tool on the special bid itself
- Vendor Quote end date and Vendor Quote Expiry date have different dates and are found on the special bid addendum and displayed on the bid on e-Pricer tool
- Deal Registration enter the relevant DR for OPP
- ROE: 1, ROE will not change from one as IBM use their internal ROE when approving pricing for quoting and there is no need for us to convert as we do not quote in any other currency other then ZAR at this moment.
- Marketable EU Price is the amount found under Maximum End User amount
- List Price is found on Special Addendum
- Once you have filled in all the necessary fields you will click save, next is to load the special bid addendum exported from e-pricer.
Document upload of the addendum will be the same as the value seller, once document is attached click onto the opportunity and it will return you to opportunity where you will import quote config, (depending on how big the config is, it may take a few seconds to upload).
Once the quote config has pulled through you will scroll to the bottom of the opportunity to the quote total line to which you will click on quote totals and this is the part where you will fill in the maximum BP buy price found on addendum, this you will fill in the USD custom list price field, tap until you get to quantity which will always be 1 and then tap to next field where you will place your margin as advised by the Sales Specialist. Before saving make sure to always click on the exclude system discount box this way when the system calculates quote totals it pulls the necessary margin and not the system preprogramme margin as it would for value seller.
Once that portion is saved then you will scroll to the top where you will click calculate quote totals and this will give you the buy price with margin and show GP being made on the deal. As seen below
Once you have confirmed that the quote is correct proceed to print quote this will give you the quote in pdf where you can save to shared folder, rename in the correct naming convention and share with BP with sale specialist in copy.