Ending the call

Ending the call

  • We will always ask our caller before ending the call if there is anything else we can do for them, for example “Mr/Mrs …………., would you need any further assistance before we end the call?”
  • Verify key points covered and say that you were happy to be of service (or sorry you were unable to help). You want to leave the caller with the impression of a friendly, helpful business representative. Finish with a polite offer to be of a service again.
  • We will end all our calls in a business-like, professional manner, for example “Thank you for calling EPSIDON TECHNOLOGY GROUP, Janet, goodbye”.
  • We will always wait for the caller to terminate the call. Should the caller remember to ask something else, the consultant will still be on the line and able to assist.
  • We will ensure customer satisfaction by delivering what we promised in the time frame agreed upon and informing the customer if we have not been able to deliver accordingly.
  • Where applicable the EPSIDON TECHNOLOGY GROUP team member will send confirmations to the customer.
  • If you are transferring the call, “You are going through and thank you for calling EPSIDON TECHNOLOGY GROUP, Good Bye.


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