9. Difference between worrying and caring.

Realize there’s a difference between worrying and caring

Sometimes, our mindset can boost stress, so a small issue mushrooms into a pile of problems. We continue worrying, somehow thinking that this is a productive — or at least inevitable — response to stress. But we mistake worry for action.

Worrying is an attempt to exert control over the future by thinking about it, whereas caring is taking action. When we are caring for someone or something, we do the things that support or advance the best interests of the person or thing that we care about. If you are away from home for a week, you can worry about your houseplants every single day and still return home to find them brown and wilted. Worrying is not watering.

Similarly, fretting about your finances does nothing but get you worked up (and likely prevent you from taking action). Caring about your finances, however, means creating a budget, paying bills on time, using coupons and reducing how often you dine out.

Just this small shift in mindset from worrying to caring can help you adjust your reaction to stress.

Answer these questions below:

  • Worrying about your health involves…
  • Caring about your health involves…
  • Worrying about your career involves…
  • Caring about your career involves…

  1. Leonah 7 years ago

    Worrying about your health involves…thinking about the condition you have, if it will be cured, or if it will kill me
    Caring about your health involves…making sure that you get treatment for your condition or taking care of yourself to avoid condition being worse or not manageable
    Worrying about your career involves…thinking about loosing your job, getting demoted
    Caring about your career involves…taking initiative to grow career wise, climbing the ladder to the top and working hard

  2. Bonny 7 years ago

    1. Unnecessary stress
    2.being kind to yourself
    3. you don’t know what tomorrow will bring we cannot look into the future
    4. Enjoying what you do

  3. nelly 7 years ago

    1> Stressing about something that one knows if its life time or cureable condition
    2 > Eating healthy and exercising more often,taking enough liquids
    3 > Having a fear of loosing job and not fulfilling what ever that ones needto achive
    4> Always striving to achive,grow,be valued asset in career wise by working hard and willing to learn from others because ideas shared are the greatest ones

  4. ClaudiaA 4 years ago

    Worrying is an attempt to exert control over the future by thinking about it, whereas caring is taking action:

    Worrying about your health involves…..added stress- trying to control situation you have no control over
    Caring about your health involves….. taking action and control over something you have control over
    Worrying about your career involves…….do they see me , do they see what I am capable of , will I be stuck in the same position for the next 4 years
    Caring about your career involves….. Always doing your best , adding Value to team , taking pride in what you do

  5. Camilla 4 years ago

    Worrying about your health involves… stressing over petty issues
    Caring about your health involves… do everything to eradicate the stress and negative energy to bring all positivity
    Worrying about your career involves…stress of doing the job wrongly always afraid of losing it
    Caring about your career involves… knowing what to do in a calm and serene manner and environment

  6. Ronel.Fischer 4 years ago

    * Worrying about your health involves the feeling of being uneasy or being overly concerned about a situation or problem. With excessive worrying, your
    mind and body go into overdrive as you constantly focus on “what might happen.”
    * Caring about your health involves to live healthy, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly and manage your stress by setting boundaries.
    * Worrying about your career involves the fear that arises when you realize you will need to take a risk to achieve your career goals, and that your next step
    might not go perfectly.
    * Caring about your career involves becoming more invested in your career/company, to work for a cause, enjoying what you do daily and always keep on
    learning new skills.

  7. pamela 4 years ago

    Worrying about health…….constantly thinking about what might be wrong when experience any source of pain etc.
    Caring about health ….. eating healthy, exercise more and get enough sleep
    Worrying about career …. incompetent
    Caring about career……. take opportunities to learn more

  8. SMabizel 4 years ago

    Worrying about your health involves… stressing about something, you can or cant change, choose right,
    Caring about your health involves… satisfaction, happiness and a sense of control
    Worrying about your career involves… sleepless night, anger, fear
    Caring about your career involves… self empowering, willing to learn and love what you do

  9. LMiles 3 years ago

    Worrying about your health involves… exercise regularly to prevent any form of pain especially back pain.
    Caring about your health involves… taking vitamins, eating correctly not big meals at once and getting good sleep
    Worrying about your career involves… making it happen, self improvement so as not to have have the fear of loosing my job
    Caring about your career involves… staying focused, achieve goals set out, set self targets above what is given, stay positive, keep smiling

  10. CFrank 3 years ago

    Worrying about your health involves… Stressing about your health and imagining something far worse that might be the case
    Caring about your health involves… Taking steps to ensure you look after your health. Eating healthy meals, taking supplements, exercise, massage
    Worrying about your career involves… Fear of the unknown, being able to achieve everything you set out for yourself.
    Caring about your career involves… Taking steps to ensure you are achieving your self set goals. Remaining positive. Holding oneself accountable.

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