10. Embrace mistakes

Embrace mistakes—or at least don’t drown in perfectionism

Another mindset that can exacerbate stress is perfectionism. Trying to be mistake-free and essentially spending your days walking on eggshells is exhausting and anxiety-provoking. Talk about putting pressure on yourself! And as we all know but tend to forget: Perfectionism is impossible and not human, anyway.

Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is not about healthy achievement and growth and it’s not self-improvement.

Nothing good can come from perfectionism. In fact, it’s often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction and life-paralysis Plus, mistake-mistaking can lead to growth. To overcome perfectionism, become more compassionate toward yourself.

  1. Leonah 7 years ago

    making mistakes teaches a lesson in future not to repeat the same mistake because that is where we learn best

  2. Bonny 7 years ago

    as human beings we make mistakes, and we learn from them going forward

  3. ClaudiaA 4 years ago

    Mistakes shows that you are not afraid of trying. We all make mistakes , and should learn from the experience , turn a negative into a positive .
    You could assist someone in the future , from learning from your mistake.

  4. Raymond Botha 4 years ago

    Learn from your mistakes

  5. SMabizel 4 years ago

    I cant make mistakes, I wont, I do not want to – but I am taking this as a learning curve

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